Exploring our Spiritual Gifts

We as a church are seeking to understand how God has wired each of us in terms of Spiritual Gifts. The Bible says that all believers have been given at least one Spiritual Gift, with the purpose of serving others (1 Peter 4:10). The Bible also teaches that we are not to be uninformed about these spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:1).  The Spiritual Gifts inventory and corresponding information below can help us become more informed about our spiritual gifts and learn how we can best use these Spiritual Gifts to serve the local church. 

Administration: Organizing, administering, promoting, leading

Evangelism: Passionately leading others to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ

Exhortation: Motivating others to action, application, and purpose

Giving: Releasing Material Resources to further the work of the Church

Mercy-Showing: Identifying with and comforting those in need

Prophecy: Boldly and fearlessly proclaiming God's truth

Serving: Providing practical help to others both physically and spiritually

Shepherding: Overseeing, training, coaching or guiding others

Teaching: Making clear the truth of God's Word with simplicity and accuracy

For a more detailed explanation of each spiritual gift Click Here.

Gifted to Serve

Once you have taken the inventory and know how the Spirit has gifted you, use the links below to explore ways to serve at First Baptist using your Spiritual Gifts.

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Exploring our Spiritual Gifts Continued. . . 

Exploring our Spiritual Gifts exits to help people discover their spiritual gift(s) and become actively involved in a Christian ministry according to their gifting. When done, people will better realize God’s calling in their life, their fit in the FBC Vision, and as a result receive much joy and blessing in using their spiritual gift(s) in love toward others. 

Click HERE to listen to Pastor Jared’s message from April 25, 2021 in which he addresses these Spiritual Gifts

  • 1. Every Christ-follower at FBC is aware of what spiritual gifts are. 

    2. People discover what their spiritual gifts are through various means, including but not limited to taking the Spiritual Gifts Inventory. 

    3. People take the FBC Spiritual Gifts Inventory. 

    4. People understand how God seeks to use their Spiritual Gifts in His calling in their life. 

    5. People commit to find a ministry match of their Spiritual Gift and FBC ministry or other area of service. 

    6. People share and promote Exploring our Spiritual Gifts with others.

  • While there are many spiritual gifts, this Inventory covers the nine team or task-oriented gifts used in daily life to do the work of Christian ministry. Those gifts include: Administration, Evangelism, Exhortation, Giving, Mercy-Showing, Prophecy, Serving, Shepherding, and Teaching. We have chosen to focus on these 9 “Team Gifts” as they are job, activity, ministry, or task-oriented gifts. They are functional for service in the local church. Although not included in this inventory, it is generally agreed upon that there are additional spiritual gifts. Click HERE to learn about them.

  • This Spiritual Gifts Inventory is simply a way—not the way—to help people discover their spiritual gift(s). It is being used as a “teaching tool” to inform FBC about Spiritual Gifts. We encourage people to be reading, reflecting, and praying through the scriptures in seeking God’s call on your life and how He will accomplish that. We also encourage people who know you well to share their thoughts on your gifts. And finally, as you actively serve in ministries you will notice first-hand if you are experiencing the joy of the Lord and spiritual fruit in your life. For additional help, Click HERE to view FBC’s “Age, Affinity, and Ministry Map” form which will further assist you in serving. 

    As people mature in their relationship with Jesus, moving from “New in Christ” to “Christ-likeness” in our Mission, they will notice that they are growing in many of the same areas as shown in spiritual gifts. For example, the gift of “Mercy” is administered by the Holy Spirit to some, not all, disciples. However, it is not correct to state, “Since I don’t have the gift of ‘mercy,’ I should not seek to be merciful.” What is true is that since God is transforming His children to be more like Christ (see Romans 8:29-30, etc.), Christians, therefore, become more merciful as they mature in Christ. In essence, a person who has matured to a great degree in Christ may display the same joy and fruit of mercy as someone who has the gift of mercy.


    Key passages to read, reflect upon, and pray about in the Bible on spiritual gifts are found in Romans 12, Ephesians 4, 1 Corinthians 12, and 1 Peter 4. Secondary passages include 1 Corinthians 7, 13-14 and Ephesians 3.