First Baptist Church Vision Documents

God has given First Baptist Church the mission of helping people know, love and become like Jesus.
This simple phrase is the backbone of all that we do.
We believe this to be the meaning behind the Great Commission that Jesus gave his disciples in Matthew 28.
Today, First Baptist Church's mission is acted out through the 2025 Vision.

God has laid the vision on our hearts that as we seek God,

He will form us to become increasingly Christ-like and to be family to everyone who needs family.
You'll hear our vision incorporated into our sermons, and feel free to check out the documents below! 

The 2025 Vision is the way that God is currently calling First Baptist Church to achieve the mission. This Vision God has given us is guiding our steps. Read the 2025 Vision document here to get familiar: 2025 VISION Document

God has helped us develop an action plan that we are following as we seek to realize the 2025 Vision, called the Evangelism and Discipleship Pathway (shown above and in booklet below). This pathway helps us bring unity and continuity in every step we take as we realize the vision.

If you'd like to read more in depth on the Evangelism and Discipleship Pathway, check out the booklet by clicking HERE.

Yearly Focus

As we continue to work to realize the 2025 Vision, God has lead us to a focus cycle to augment our understanding. Each focus so far is listed below: 

First focusThrough understanding God’s story, His mission, and what it means to be part of His family, we will actively work toward being one in heart, mind and love. 

Second focus: Pray for 3 - Everyone will pray daily and expectantly for 3 non-believers to come to “Know, Love and Become Like Jesus.”

Third focus: Love in Action - Courageously invite people into our lives as the Holy Spirit leads.

Fourth Focus - Uniting as family to enjoy & unleash God's mercy and hope. 

Fifth Focus - Going DEEP with Jesus.

      Depending on the Holy Spirit

      Encouraging Others

      Engaging in the Mission

      Praying Persistently

Sixth Focus - Adoring and Abiding in Christ

Three Core Areas

As you look at the Evangelism and Discipleship Pathway graphic, you'll notice three core areas that act as catalysts to help us move along the pathway. Here they are briefly explained: 

Faith Filled: God is about having faith in Him (Hebrews 11:6). It is this faith that serves as a foundation for Christianity. 

Loving Lifestyle: We are called to live a life like Jesus. Jesus himself said "Love each other as I have loved you" (John 15:12). 

Winsome Witness: Jesus told his disciples that "you will be my witnesses (Acts 1:8). This means that as disciples of Jesus, we must also be a witness to those around us. 

We believe that we must be growing in these three areas and that this is essential to growing closer to Christ. Read more in depth on the core areas starting on page 5 in the Evangelism and Discipleship booklet attached above! 

First Baptist's "3 Core Area Questionnaire" is used to measure spiritual maturity along the Discipleship Pathway in order to help determine if people are accomplishing the Mission. Click HERE to take the Questionnaire.