Global Outreach

The GO (Global Outreach) Team at First Baptist exists to facilitate mission opportunities and missionary support. Our church is financially and prayerfully supporting over 40 missionaries/missions both local and global. We support career missionaries as well as short term mission trips for youth and adults.
Below you'll see both a list of our supported missionaries and information on
Spring of Life, our sister church in Ukraine!  

For more information, click HERE to send an email to the church office.

Missions (Global Outreach)

  • Joseph and Kiersten Fitzgerald


    Joe and Kiersten Fitzgerald are staff at Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Yosemite. Their main ministry is training youth to go into the mission field through the Discipleship Training School. They are also involved in leading and sending teams to unreached areas.

  • Pastor Hanna


    Pastor Hanna is the founder and director of Christian Mission to Gaza.
    This ministry reaches the people of Gaza with Christ's love through the only evangelical Baptist church in Gaza and through a partnership with the Lighthouse school and relief work. CMG also helps refugees from Iraq and Syrian on a regular basis.

  • Jonathan and Roxanne Head


    Jon is a storyteller at heart and brings a skillful blend of media capability and storytelling to share what it feels like to be at Coldwater at Mink Lake Camp. Centered on Christ, Jonathan is eager to spread God's Word in an every-changing world.

    Roxanne's main role as Food Service Manager is to serve great food to our guests. And, Roxie has a huge heart for the Lord and the great habit of bringing conversations back to Scripture to point out God's faithful involvement in campers' lives.

    Together they lead with a calling and endurance for helping people meet Christ in the wilderness.

  • Brad and Shawn Johnson


    Shawn and Brad serve with Recycled Lives in Guatemala. They help the poor with food and shelter and provide spiritual knowledge and growth to the Guatemalan people.  

  • Jim and Sarah Jordan


    Jim and Sarah Jordan serve with Training Leaders International (TLI). Jim teaches Christian students and leaders in many parts of the world and provides education for pastors worldwide.

  • Doug Keillor


    Juvenile Justice Advocates International, founded by Doug Keillor, partners with local churches and other groups in Mexico to support teens and families of teens in prison in Mexico.

  • Paul and Amy Lindberg


    Paul is the East Africa Director for Talking Bibles. Talking Bibles provides audio Bibles to many people in Africa so that those who cannot read or write can hear God's Word.  

  • Gary and Valerie Maloney


    Based in the Twin Cities, Gary and Valerie are mission mobilizers with YFC International, recruiting older teens and young adults for different mission opportunities. Valerie also serves as Prayer Coordinator and Gary fills admin roles with YFC Ireland. Gary disciples young people, while Valerie is Dining Hall Coordinator at Prairie River Camp, part of South Central MN YFC.

  • David and Karen Melin


    David is an adjunct Bible professor at Kremenchuk Seminary in Ukraine and he helps to educate seminary students to become pastors. David is also an author of Russian commentaries (Psalms, Proverbs) and is an ambassador for Kontaktmission USA.

  • Mike and Jennifer Moline


    Mike and Jennifer are missionaries with Wycliffe, USA and live in Colorado Springs where Mike is a Public Speaker, teaches "Perspectives on the World Christian Movement" courses, and has recently become Language Program Data Manager. Jennifer grew up in a missionary family and spent a number of years as a missionary for Navigators. Mike grew up in Cambridge, and after college worked with the underprivileged in Minneapolis. He also traveled on short-term missions to other countries in the world.

  • Chad and Britt Peterson


    Chad and Britt Peterson serve with Teens For Christ in Hudson, WI, training teens to serve Christ, encouraging Bible memorization and participate in Bible quiz competitions.

  • Joel and Jinke Reasoner


    Joel and Jinke live in the Philippines. Jinkee is the Childcare Director for the Children's Shelter of Cebu, a child caring agency that provides shelter, food, clothing, education and much more. 

    Joel in the Executive Director of Phase Two Cebu, which provides housing, literacy, education, and other community needs in and around Cebu City.

  • Spring of Life Church


    Spring of Life is our sister church in Kremenchuk, Ukraine. In the 1990's it was a "house" church of about a dozen people; now it has an attendance of over 265 and at least 12 daughter churches. First Baptist Church has sent a number of mission teams to Spring of Life to conduct Day Camps (Vacation Bible School) and to repair a building.

    The Seminary is attached to the church and Pastor Alex Zigalenko was both pastor of the church and director of the Seminary. Ivan Ovcharenko is now the director of the Seminary and a pastor of the church.

    READ Ministries also grew out of this relationship with a number of men taking the lead to supply machines and materials so a Christian printing operation could take place in Ukraine.

    Spring of Life has supported First Baptist Church with much prayer and encouragement for us.

  • Dave and Sarah Troolin


    David and Sarah work with national translators to bring the Bible to the Sam people in their own language in Papua New Guinea. David is Director of Language Programs and Services for the Pacific Region providing training for new missionaries in cultural awareness and language translation.

  • Duane and Andrea Tweeten


    Duane serves as President of Training Leaders International (TLI). In this role he is part of the processing team for TLI candidates, trains the staff, helps write curriculum as needed, recruits teams that train pastors in various countries and teaches courses as part of those teams. Previously he was a pastor for 17 years in Nebraska.

  • Steve and Alice Yatckoske


    Pastor Steve Yatckoske and his wife, Alice, serve Nett Lake Baptist Church. Nett Lake is a reservation community, with a population of just over 350 people, on the Bois Forte Reservation in northern Minnesota, about 45 miles south of the Canadian border.

    They desire to see lives changed through teaching God's Word, loving people, and engaging the community. Reaching out to the community with God's love in a culturally appropriate way will be the church's focus as they have people grow closer to God.

    Current ministry activity incudes Sunday morning service, Tuesday morning prayer, and Wednesday evening Bible Study. They are also building relationships by volunteering at the Boys and Girls Club in Nett Lake.