Welcome to First Baptist Church!

We are so glad that you are with us today!

It can be difficult to try out a church for the first or second time.  There is often a lot going on and it can feel like you are out of the loop, or on the outside looking in.  Thank you for showing up!  We want you to know that we are here to help you feel connected as deeply and as quickly as you want!

Whether you are in the 8:30am (Traditional) or the 10:45am (Contemporary) worship service, or with us on a special occasion, we hope that you feel at home here with our church family!  Please consider a visit to our Welcome Center just outside the doors in the lobby where you can learn more about the church.  As an added bonus we have a special gift for you if you fill out the Connection Card. Just stop by!

Fill out the Connection Card online!

Once we receive your card we'll reach out to answer any questions that you may have.

There is a lot for you to plug into at FBC, we would love to visit with you to talk about ways for you to connect!  We love helping people feel like part of the family as quickly as possible!

Click HERE to view our What's Happening Booklet with all kinds of info about what is available at FBC for all ages.

Questions? Check out the About Us tab

There is a lot of information available throughout this website as well, so feel free to browse and get a feel for who we are!  Again, we are so glad that you are here today!